Academic and non-fiction authors are important resources for the development of an economy. Currently there are current disjointed efforts in promotion of academic authorship in Uganda. At the same time, there is a lot of potential academic writing and for non-fiction because of the demand of its products.
Furthermore, the academic and non-fiction writers are the major force in building a reliable and sustainable collecting society in the country. This is evidenced by the current educational reforms characterized by the increased education institutions right from Pre-primary to university, increased enrollment in higher education and demonstrated appreciation of reading culture in the country. There is also some progress in terms of the copyright and other Neighboring Rights Act, 2006 that provides for legislation with regards for intellectual rights. In addition, some universities have put in place Intellectual Property Policies, to interest staff to engage in publishing.
To ensure that authors benefit from authoring of books, there is a need for a shared vision that requires the authors coming together and having a one voice to ensure the sustainability of academic and nonfiction writing. Indeed, National Book Trust of Uganda (NABOTU) has put on its agenda to support a move of promoting the academic authorship that would ensure demonstration of links with the book industry. With the support from the Non-Fiction and Translators Association of Norway, there was a felt need to create a forum for Academic and Non Fiction Authors in Uganda.
Uganda Textbook-Academic and Non Fiction Authors� Association (UTANA) aims at creating an enabling environment for members to contribute to, participate in and enjoy the efforts and labour engaged in as authors within an agreed strategic direction.
I therefore take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the UTANA activities and programmes. Have time and take a look at the Website, identify how you can participate with UTANA accordingly. I urge all authors to endeavour to register as members of the Association as we work together in �Protecting Authors� Rights�.
Anybody who would like to partner with us, don�t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
I wish you a good stay and fruitful navigation.
Prof. Elisam Magara
Chairman UTANA