Uganda Textbook Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association (UTANA) in partnership with the Norwegian Association of Non-Fiction and Translators Association (NFFO) is implementing a 3 Year project (entitled UTANA Grant Scheme for Authors (UGSA) to support authors in their writing process. The grant will support authors (who are already in their writing process) to facilitate towards a completion of their publication/academic works. It is hoped that at the end of
the grant a publication will ready/available. This is the first round of the Competitive grant scheme to benefit authors of academic and general non-fiction works Target: Authors of Textbooks, Academic and Non-fiction Works including but not limited to: scholarly works, academic textbooks/ scholarly articles, school textbooks, manuals, biographies/
autobiographies, expository, argumentative, functional, and opinion pieces; a Nonfiction essays on art or literature, historical, scientific, technical, or economic writings works of general interest.

Eligibility: If you are currently working on a scholarly or a general non-fiction work and are a member of UTANA, you are eligible to apply. If you are not yet a member of UTANA you can join at the same time as you submit your application. The grants are intended to provide a sum of around 4,200,000 (UGX) to be used for an author to take off time for instance, and devote herself or himself to complete the current writing Project. UTANA shall also give a grant of 7,000,000/= to support one institutional Book/publication with a minimum of 7 people (who are contributors to the Publication and are members or willing to be members of UTANA). The grant will be paid out in portions justified by the applicant’s proposal following the Result Based Financing (RBF) model.
Selection Process: An Independent Selection Committee will assess the applications and select the most deserving applications. The selected candidates shall be approved by UTANA Executive Board, which shall give the Award. There are two main criteria for eligibility:
Membership of UTANA (and subscribed to the Writers-authors Investment Club) and Justification that the manuscript shall be a publication available in book form (hard or e-book).
Non UTANA members should submit their application together with the membership application Click here to access the membership form.

The selection committee aims to offer awards to a wide-ranging group of authors and subjects and shall o bear in mind authors writing in rural as well as urban locations; and to consider authors at all levels of education from the untutored to the degreed.

The UTANA Grant Scheme particularly encourages new and upcoming authors to apply. Manuscripts/publications in all approved local languages shall be equally considered.

Application forms are available online at click here to download . All application should be addressed to;-

  • The Project Coordinator, UTANA Grant scheme for Authors (UGASA), UTANA, P. O. Box 40277, Kampala, Teachers House, Room 208, Bombo Road
  • E-mail: [email protected].

The Closing Date for applications is 26 th June 2020 while successful applications will be announced in second week of August 2020.